
Lorrel envisions Piedmont as a welcoming community that supports all of our residents, from the young family with elementary school kids to the retired couple looking to maximize their golden years.

She believes that governments have a responsibility to build trust. This means leaders who engage with community members, practice good governance, use sound judgment when making decisions, and prioritize fiscal responsibility that leads to financial stability for Piedmont.

If you share Lorrel’s values, we hope you’ll sign up to endorse her campaign!

Will you endorse Lorrel for Piedmont City Council?

Lorrel has been endorsed by the following Piedmonters.

Betsy Andersen - Piedmont Vice Mayor
Jennifer Long - Piedmont City Council
Conna McCarthy - Piedmont City Council
Tom Ramsey - Piedmont City Council
Veronica Anderson Thigpen - Piedmont Board of Education president
Lindsay Thomasson - Piedmont Board of Education vice president
Hilary Cooper - Piedmont Board of Education member and past vice president
Cory Smegal - Piedmont Board of Education member and past president
Teddy Gray King - former Piedmont Mayor
Garrett Keating - former Piedmont City Council
Ward Lindenmayer - former Piedmont Board of Education
Sarah Pearson - former Piedmont Board of Education
Sara Lillevand - former City Administrator
Jim Gardner - Piedmont business owner, former Wildwood Dads’ Club President
Lisa Gardner - Piedmont Recreation Commission, former Wildwood Parents’ Club President
Nairobi Kim - PHS Parent Club President
Susy Struble - candidate for Piedmont Board of Education
Mary Ann Benson
Ann Berkey
Marj Blackwell
Forrest Booth
Louise Booth
Julie Chang
James E. Crawford-Jakubiak, MD, FAAP
Martin Crawford-Jakubiak
Eric Danoff
Frances Fisher
Rebecca Fisher
Connie Herrick
Mark Herrick
Shanti Kim
David Kim
Katy Kobal
Joe Leonard
Janet Nexon
Mike Plimier
John Psathas
Judy Richardson
Hope Salzer
Wendi Sue
Ned Trainor
John O. Tulloch
Christy Van Slyke
Virginia Watkins
Sarah White

*organizations/titles listed for identification purposes only